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1.0 Internet Relay Chat Applications

As WinGate does not include an IRC proxy, to operate through WinGate, the general Internet Relay Chat application requires a mapped link to your IRC server. The standard port for IRC connections is 6667. The WinGate set up program will create a mapped link on port 6667 if a server is specified.

1.1 mIRC v4.1


  1. The "mIRC Setup" dialog box will be presented when mIRC starts or from the menu bar, under the "File" menu, select "Setup ...".
  2. Select the "Firewall" tab and enable the "Use SOCKS firewall" option. Under "Hostname", enter 'wingate', or whatever label you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate. Check that the port number is that which the WinGate SOCKS proxy is configured to accept connections on (usually 1080). The "User ID" and "Password" fields are redundant (thanks to Netscape) and do not require entries.
  3. Under the "Identd" tab, check that the Identd server option is disabled.
  4. Under the "Local Info" tab, you must enter the IP Address that was assigned to your machine (suggested as being in the 192.168.0 subnet) when it was configured to connect to your TCP/IP LAN. The Local Host name will also have been assigned to your machine and must be entered. mIRC will not be able to detect these fields as WinGate does not support reverse look-ups.
  5. Still under "Local Info", the "On connect, always get:" options are not fully understood. It is trial and error as to which of the two options should be enabled to make the application work. Both the "Normal" and "Quick" IP method options seem to work.
  6. The rest of the mIRC set up does not relate to WinGate.

1.2 WS-IRC v1.12b


  1. From the WS-IRC menu bar, under the "Options" menu select "Server". The "WS-IRC Setup Options" dialog box appears.
  2. Under "IRC Server", enter 'wingate', or whatever label you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate.
  3. Enter the port number that the mapped link in WinGate is configured to accept connections on (normally 6667).
  4. The rest of the WS-IRC set up does not relate to WinGate.

1.3 Netscape Chat v2.0


  1. The "Server Connection" dialog box will be presented when Netscape Chat starts or from the menu bar, under the "File" menu, select "Connect ...".
  2. In the "Server Information" area, set the Host to 'wingate', or whatever label you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate. Enter the port number that the WinGate mapped link is configured to accept connections on (normally 6667). A Real Name, Nick Name and User Account Login must also be entered.
  3. From the menu bar, under the "Option" menu, select "Preference …", bringing up the "Preferences" dialog box.
  4. Under the "Navigator" tab, enter 'wingate' (or whatever) in the "Hosts" entry in the "Firewall SOCKS Host" area and check that the port is set to 1080, or whatever you have configured the WinGate SOCKS proxy to accept connections on.
  5. The rest of the Netscape Chat set up does not relate to WinGate.
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2.0 Internet News Group Applications

To operate through WinGate, the News applications described in this section require two mapped links: a link to your news-group (NNTP) server and a link to your mail-forwarding (SMTP) server. The standard port number for NNTP connections is 119 and for SMTP, 25. The WinGate set up program will create a mapped link on port 25 if a SMTP server is specified and a mapped link on port 119 if an NNTP server is specified.

2.1 WinVN v 0.99.8


  1. The "Communications Options" dialog box will be presented when WinVN starts or from the menu bar, under the "Config" menu, select "Communications".
  2. In the "NNTP Server" field, within the "News" border, enter 'wingate', or whatever label you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate. Below this field, enter the TCP Port number that the WinGate mapped link to your NNTP server is configured to accept connections on.
  3. In the "SMTP Server" field, within the "Mail" border, enter 'wingate' (or whatever).
  4. Under the "Mail Transport" option, select "Use SMTP". MAPI transfers cannot be achieved through WinGate.
  5. The rest of the WinVN set up does not relate to WinGate.

2.2 FORTE Free Agent v1.0


  1. The "Free Agent Setup" dialog box will be presented when Agent is loaded, or from the menu bar, under the "Options" menu, select "Preferences..." and select the "System Profile" tab.
  2. In the "News Server:" field enter 'wingate', or whatever label you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate.
  3. In the "Email Server:" field also enter 'wingate' (or whatever).
  4. The rest of the Agent set up does not relate to WinGate.

2.3 News Express v2.0


  1. From the News Express menu bar, under the "File" menu, select "Options" to bring up the "Options" dialog box.
  2. Select the "Servers and Directory" tab. In the "News (NNTP) server:" field, enter 'wingate', or whatever label you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate. At the end of the server field, enter the port number your news-server mapped link is configured to accept connections on (suggested as 119).
  3. Still under the "Servers and Directory" tab, under the "Mail (SMTP) server:" field, enter 'wingate' (or whatever). Enter the port number that the mapped link to your SMTP server is configured to accept connections on (suggested as 25).
  4. The rest of the News Express set up does not relate to WinGate.

2.4 Microsoft Internet News v1.00.0132


Note: MS Internet News uses MS Exchange to send e-mail. This will use a mapped link to your mail-forwarding server (SMTP), but must be set-up within MS Exchange.

  1. From the menu bar, under the "Message" menu, select "Options…" to bring up the "Options" dialog box.
  2. Select the "Server" tab and press the 'Add' button, located under the "News server(s)" window. This will bring up the "News Server Properties" dialog box.
  3. Select the "General" tab and in the "News Server Name:" field, enter 'wingate', or whatever label you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate.
  4. Select the "Advanced" tab. In the "Server Port Number : News Server:" field, enter the port number that the WinGate mapped link to your NNTP server is configured to accept connections on (suggested as 119). Hit the 'OK' button.
  5. The rest of the MS Internet News set up does not relate to WinGate.

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3.0 Electronic Mail Applications

To operate through WinGate, the Mail applications described in this section require a mapped link to your mail-forwarding (SMTP) server and a POP3 proxy. The standard port number for POP connections is 110 and for SMTP, 25. The WinGate set up program will create a mapped link on port 25 if a SMTP server is specified and a POP3 proxy on port 110 if enabled.

3.1 Eudora v2.2


  1. From the Eudora Menu bar, under the "Tools" menu, select "Options…". This will bring up the "Options" dialog box.
  2. In the "Category" menu, choose the "Getting Started" icon.
  3. In the "Pop account:" field enter the user name given to you by your POP server, your POP server's host name and the whatever label you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate, in the following fashion: 'user name' # 'host name' @ 'name of wingate machine'. For example: billg#microsoft.com@wingate
  4. The delimiter character '#' should be that specified in the set-up of the WinGate POP3 proxy.
  5. Still under the "Getting Started" icon, in the "Connection Method:" options, enable "Winsock".
  6. In the "Category" menu, choose the "Personal Information" icon. Enter the same "POP account:" as above. The "Return address:" field should be in the 'user'@'host' format.
  7. In the "Category" menu, choose the "Hosts" icon. Once again enter the same "POP account:" details. In the "SMTP:" field, enter 'wingate' (or whatever).
  8. In the "Category" menu, choose the "Checking Mail" icon. Enter the "POP account:" details yet again.
  9. In the "Category" menu, choose the "Sending Mail" icon. Enter the "Return Address:" as above. In the "SMTP server:" field enter 'wingate' (or whatever).
  10. The rest of the Eudora set up does not relate to WinGate.

3.2 Microsoft Internet Mail


  1. From the menu bar, under the "Message" menu, select 'Options…' to bring up the "Options" dialog box.
  2. Select the "Server" tab. Within the "Servers" area are two server fields; "Outgoing Mail (SMTP):" and "Incoming Mail (POP3):". For both fields enter 'wingate', or whatever label you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate.
  3. Still within the "Servers" area, in the "POP3 Account:" field, enter the user name given to you by your POP server and your POP server's host name, in the following fashion: 'user name' # 'host name'. For example: billg#microsoft.com.
  4. The delimiter character '#' should be that specified in the set-up of the WinGate POP3 proxy.
  5. Select the "Advanced" tab to bring up the "Mail Server Advanced Settings" box. In the "Server Port Numbers" area, enter the port number of your SMTP mapped link in the "Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server:" field and enter the port number of your POP3 proxy in the "Incoming Mail (POP3) Server:" field.
  6. The remainder of the MS Internet Mail set up does not relate to WinGate.

3.3 E-Mail Connection v2.5.03


  1. From the menu bar, under the "Window" menu, select "Internet" to bring up the "Internet" dialog box.
  2. Hit the 'Configure' button to bring up the "Internet Mail Setup" dialog box.
  3. In the "Mail host name:" and "SMTP relay name:" entries, enter 'wingate', or whatever label you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate.
  4. In the "User ID:" field, enter your POP server user name and your POP server's host name, in the following fashion: 'user name' # 'host name'. For example: billg#microsoft.com.
  5. The delimiter character '#' should be that specified in the set-up of the WinGate POP3 proxy.
  6. In the "TCP connection type" options, enable "LAN".
  7. Hit the "More…" button to bring up the "More" dialog box.
  8. In the "POP3 port:" and "SMTP port:" entries, enter the port numbers that the WinGate POP3 proxy and mapped link are configured to accept connections on.
  9. The rest of the Email Connection set up does not relate to WinGate.

3.4 Pegasus Mail for Windows v2.33


  1. From the menu bar, under the "File" menu, select "Network configuration…" to bring up the "Configuration for Built-in Internet Mailer" dialog box.
  2. In the "POP3 host" entry, enter 'wingate', or whatever label you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate.
  3. In the "User name" field, enter your POP server user name and your POP server's host name, in the following fashion: 'user name' # 'host name'. For example: billg#microsoft.com.
  4. The delimiter character '#' should be that specified in the set-up of the WinGate POP3 proxy.
  5. In the "SMTP host" entry, enter 'wingate' (or whatever).
  6. Hit 'Advanced configuration options…' to bring up the "Advanced Configuration for Built-in Internet Mailer" dialog box.
  7. In the "Incoming (POP3) mail" area there is a "Connect to POP3 server on TCP port" entry. In this field, enter the port number that the POP3 proxy in WinGate is configured to accept connections on.
  8. The rest of the Pegasus set up does not relate to WinGate.

3.5 Microsoft Exchange v4.0.410.59


  1. From the menu bar, under the "Tools" menu, select "Services..." to bring up the "Services" dialog box.
  2. If there is no 'Internet Mail' profile then create one.
  3. Highlight the 'Internet Mail' profile and hit the 'Properties' button to bring up the "Internet Mail" dialog box.
  4. On the "General" page, in the "Internet Mail server:" field, enter 'wingate', or whatever label you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate.
  5. In the "Account name:" field, enter your POP user name and your POP server's host name, in the following fashion: 'user name' # 'host name' For example: billg#microsoft.com
  6. The delimiter character '#' should be that specified in the set-up of the WinGate POP3 proxy.
  7. On the "Connection" page, enable the 'Connect using the network' option.
  8. The rest of the MS Exchange setup does not relate to WinGate.

3.6 Microsoft Outlook

  1. Start MS Outlook 97
  2. From the menu bar, select Tools, then Services
  3. Select ADD, and Internet Mail
  4. Fill in the information fields as normal until you come to Internet Mail Server
  5. In the Internet Mail Server field, enter the name or IP address of your Wingate server
  6. In the Account Name field, enter your POP3 account including your username in this manner: user#mailhost.domain (e.g.. BillG#microsoft.com)
  7. In the Password field, enter your Pop3 password

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4.0 World Wide Web Browser Applications

When using W.W.W. browsers through WinGate, to use the WinGate FTP proxy, a browser must use the 'user name @ host name' method of firewall traversal. CERN style applications, such as Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer do not use this and so will not use the WinGate FTP proxy correctly. In these browsers, the FTP proxy entry should be left blank so that the application uses SOCKS for FTP operations.

WinGate does not have Secure, Gopher or WAIS proxies, so again these entries should be left blank in any application's proxy set up. In this way the application will use the WinGate SOCKS proxy for these services if it has SOCKS support.

4.1 Netscape Navigator Gold v3.0

  1. From the Netscape Menu bar, under the "Options" menu, select 'Network Preferences…' to bring up the "Preferences" dialog box.
  2. Select the "Proxies" tab. Enable the "Manual Proxy Configuration" option and hit the 'View' button. This brings up the "Manual Proxy Configuration" dialog box.
  3. In the "HTTP Proxy:" field enter 'wingate', or whatever label you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate. In the "Port:" entry adjacent to this entry, enter the port number the WWW proxy in WinGate is configured to accept connections on.
  4. In the "SOCKS Host:" field enter 'wingate' (or whatever). In the "Port:" entry adjacent to this entry, enter the port number the SOCKS proxy in WinGate is configured to accept connections on.
  5. Do not make any other proxy entries as Netscape will then use the SOCKS proxy for the remaining services.
  6. After saving the changes, choose the "Options" menu from the Netscape Menu bar and select 'Mail and News Preferences…'. This will bring up another "Preferences" dialog box.
  7. Select the "Servers" tab. Within the 'Mail' area are the "Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server" and "Incoming Mail (POP) Server" fields. Enter 'wingate' (or whatever) for both these fields.
  8. In the "Pop User Name" field, enter your POP user name and your POP server's host name, in the following fashion: 'user name' # 'host name'. For example: billg#microsoft.com.
  9. The delimiter character '#' should be that specified in the set-up of the POP3 proxy in WinGate.
  10. Still under the "Servers" tab, within the 'News' area, enter 'wingate' (or whatever) in the "News (NNTP) Server:" field.
  11. The rest of the Netscape setup does not relate to WinGate.

4.2 NCSA Mosaic v2.1.1

  1. From the Mosaic menu bar, under the "Options" menu, choose 'Preferences…' to bring up the "NCSA Mosaic for Windows Preferences" dialog box.
  2. Select the "Proxy" tab. In the "HTTP proxy server" entry, enter the label you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate, followed by a colon and the port number that the WWW proxy in WinGate is configured to listen on. For example: wingate:80.
  3. The remaining three proxy server fields should be cleared as the WinGate WWW proxy cannot be used for Secure, FTP or Gopher and because Mosaic does not have SOCKS support.
  4. Select the "News" tab and in the "NNTP Server:" entry, enter 'wingate' (or whatever).
  5. Select the "Services" tab and in the "SMTP Server:" entry in the 'Mail:' area, enter 'wingate' (or whatever).
  6. The rest of the Mosaic settings do not apply to WinGate.

4.3 Microsoft Internet Explorer v3.0 b2

Netscape and Internet Explorer configuration addendum for WinGate 2.0.

When running Netscape or MS Internet Explorer through WinGate 2.0, it is necessary to configure two additional proxies within your browsers. You need to add an FTP proxy on port 80 (or the same as your http port,) and a secure http proxy on port 80 (again, the same port as your http proxy.) This will enable both secure tunneling and FTP outside of SOCKS which is a new feature of WinGate 2.0.

  1. From the MSIE menu bar, under the "View" menu, choose 'Options…' to bring up the "Options" dialog box.
  2. Select the "Connection" tab and in the 'Proxy server' area, enable the 'Connect through a proxy server' option. Click on the 'Settings…' button to bring up the "Proxy Settings" dialog box.
  3. In the 'Servers' area, disable the 'Use the same proxy server for all protocols' option.
  4. Under 'Address of proxy to use' for the HTTP address type, enter 'wingate', or whatever label you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate. Enter the port number that the WWW proxy in WinGate is configured to accept connections on.
  5. For the Socks address proxy enter 'wingate' (or whatever). In the "Port:" entry adjacent to this entry, enter the port number that the SOCKS proxy in WinGate is configured to accept connections on.
  6. Do not make any other proxy entries as MSIE will then use the SOCKS proxy for the remaining services.
  7. The rest of the MS Internet Explorer set up does not relate to WinGate.

4.4 PointCast Network v1.00a

  1. From within the PCN browser, hit the 'Options' button to bring up the "Options" dialog box.
  2. Select the "Internet" tab. In the 'Connect using:' options, within the 'Internet Settings' area, select "Direct connection (non-modem)".
  3. In the "SMTP Server:" field, within the 'PCN Browser Settings' area, enter 'wingate', or whatever label you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate.
  4. Select the "Proxies" tab. In the "HTTP Proxy:" field enter 'wingate', or whatever.
  5. In the "Port:" entry at the end of this field, enter the port number that the WWW proxy in WinGate is configured to accept connections on.
  6. In the "SOCKS Host:" field enter 'wingate', or whatever.
  7. In the "Port:" entry at the end of this field, enter the port number that the SOCKS proxy in WinGate is configured to accept connections on.
  8. The rest of the PCN set up does not relate to WinGate.

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5.0 File Transfer Protocol Applications

To operate through WinGate, the FTP applications described in this section require an FTP proxy. The standard port number for FTP connections is 21. The WinGate set up program will create an FTP proxy on port 21 if enabled.

5.1 FTP Explorer v0.00

  1. If the "Connect" dialog box is not presented when FTP Explorer starts then select 'Connect…' from the "Tools" menu. In the 'Host Address:' field, enter 'wingate' or whatever name you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate.
  2. In the 'Login:' field, enter your user name followed by the '@' symbol and the site name you wish to connect to, in the following fashion: 'user name' @ 'site name' For example: anonymous@ftp.microsoft.com This will satisfy the username@hostname method of firewall traversal which is necessary to use the WinGate FTP proxy.
  3. The other options of the "Connect" dialog box are not related to WinGate.

5.2 Cute FTP v1.4 Final Beta 7


  1. From the Cute FTP menu bar, under the "FTP" menu, choose 'Settings' then 'Options…' to bring up the "Options" dialog box.
  2. Select the "Firewall" tab. In the "Host" field enter 'wingate' or whatever name you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate.
  3. In the "Port" field enter the port number that an FTP proxy in WinGate is configured to accept connections on.
  4. In the 'Type' area enable the 'USER user@site' option.
  5. Enable the 'Enable firewall access' option.
  6. The rest of the Cute FTP settings do not relate to WinGate.
  7. When connecting to a site, make sure the 'Use firewall' option is enabled in the site details.

5.3 WS_FTP v4.01


  1. If the "Session Profile" dialog box is not presented when WS_FTP starts, then hit the 'Connect' button. In the dialog box, hit the 'Advanced' button to bring up the "Advanced Profile Parameters" dialog box.
  2. In the "Remote Port:" field enter the port number that you wish to connect to the remote site on.
  3. Enable the 'Use Firewall' option.
  4. In the 'Firewall Information' area, under 'Firewall Type', select the 'USER with no logon' option.
  5. In the "Host Name:" field enter 'wingate' or whatever name you gave in your hosts file to the machine running WinGate.
  6. In the "Port:" field, enter the port number that an FTP proxy in WinGate has been configured to accept connections on.
  7. The rest of the WS_FTP set up does not relate to WinGate.
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